Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's 7:15pm...

I just looked up from my computer and it is dark outside! I would be playing golf if I was in Vermont. It's the longest day of the year and no Bar-B-Q for me. China does not use Day Light Savings Time. They did have it from 1986 through 1991 but no more. Compounding the early dark is the fact that China has only one time zone and Shanghai is at the extreme eastern side. China and US are about the same size so imagine that California is on the same time zone as Vermont. I would be playing golf at 4:30 am! Right now I can walk outside at 4:30 am and it is daylight. China instituted the one zone feature as of May 1, 1980. It does make some sense if you want everyone on one clock and one person, one clock, one country has been the China mantra. Although this is changing as many different western influences take hold. It's great if you are a farmer. China is becoming a leader in green energy so I am a little surprised that they have not implemented DST to save energy. We shall see. I thought I would throw a random picture or two in this posting for ha-has.                                  

Lunch anyone?

Jane and John at 1st Annual Dinner  

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