Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Shu cai --- vegetables

How much for these vegetables? I went to one of our local green markets today. I think I would pay $7-8 for these. I paid $2.50 for these here-- 17 yuan. If I went to a western market here it would be closer to the $7-8 mark. Now, what do I do with the dark green toupee looking thing in the back.

Monday, January 24, 2011

On Saturday we went to the ancient water village of Zhujiajiao, located in Qingpu district of Shanghai ( about 45 minutes from our downtown apartment). The town was formed about 1700 years ago and currently has a population of about 60,000. There are different small rivers that cross through the village so over time the villagers have built 36 stone bridges of different sizes, design and purpose ( a few are made of wood or marble). The streets are lined by willow trees , some of which have been there for generations. A great relaxing day to stroll the avenues and take pictures. People wanted to see pictures so I included lots of pictures with this post. So enjoy the boats, bridges, houses, and people of Zhujiajiao. More to come in a second posting. Don't forget to click on the pictures to enlarge them.

This woman had just finished washing her towels in the river.

Wan to go to grandma's for dinner?

On the right, pig's knuckles-the left, a rice dish.

Very unique turtles. You pay the vendor to release back
into the river!

Local gang captain-- Actually, our driver.

Jane thinks we should bring these back for our driveway.
I  think they are too small.

Waiting for clients.