Friday, January 21, 2011


Dom joking with our son, Reed, in blue tie, and his friend Jack.
These pictures were taken at our daughter's wedding reception
at our house in 2006. She has the red hair behind Reed.
I finally have some postings after being away for a month.Part of that break was the Christmas vacation but part of it was due to the tragic lost of my very, very close friend and best golf buddy Dom Mariano. I got back in Shanghai on 12/31 but on 1/04/11, I received a message that Dom had suddenly died the night before. I flew back to Ct. for the services and to be with the family. Dom and I knew each other for a little more that 20 years but we had actually grown up in the same town together ( Naugatuck, Ct.). Dom was a couple of years and grades ahead of me and certainly did not want to hang around with a young kid. We met when I started with Smith Barney and he was transferred to the Hartford office for them. We became great friends as we discussed who knew whom back in the old town. We got to know each other families and Dom became very important to Jane , Reed and Anne.  Then we started playing golf. Dom was a great high school and college football player but his touch around the green-- or , for that matter, the entire course, left much to be desired. But he was just learning the game and he improved immensely as we played and played. We played in charity tournaments, we played in the Tunxis Twilight League in Farmington, Ct., with are friends and , finally with the two guys pictured with their wives at the table in the third picture . Ed Zak, Jack Topham, me and Dom formed the SGT ( Southern Golf Tour) and each year in early March we would head south for a week of golf and fun with emphasis on both. We traveled to places like Myrtle Beach, Orlando, Las Vegas, and Hilton Head. It was the best of times.
I will miss him greatly.

Telling another story.

My SGT group. From left, Trish, Ed, Nancy, Dom
June and Jack.

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