Sunday, October 24, 2010

Reed in China-- Part one

 Reed came over on Sept. 15th for 2 weeks to visit as he was between jobs. He was leaving a 2 year stint at Russell Reynolds in NYC and moving to his new position at Orvis in Manchester, Vt. Yes, that's the same Manchester where we live so he will have a sweet deal for living arrangements for awhile but, most importantly, he will be able to take care of our dog, Fred. We showed Reed all the highlights in Shanghai and took a side trip to Beijing ( Great Wall, Forbidden City, Summer Palace etc. ) and Xi'an ( Terracotta Warriors). In Shanghai we visited The Bund, World Financial Center, Pudong Aquarium, Shanghai Museum, Urban Center, many local streets and restaurants and The World Expo.The pictures at the bottom of this post are from a Flower, Insect and Animal market we went one day in Shanghai--great stuff. Here are a few pictures of Reed in China. I will post more pictures and also provide a link .

Reed- First 5 minutes in Shanghai

Reed-- Second 5 minutes in Shanghai--Welcome!

Reed with Jane and our driver and friend Jack at
the Shanghai Aquarium in Pudong side.
The same trio under one of the tunnel walkways
surrounded by fish. There is also one with an
escalator that you travel down! Cool!

Da, Da--Da,Da--Da,Da -- This guy needs some dental work.

What's this?

These containers hold crickets of various sizes and types.
It is popular to buy or raise your own for fighting contests.
Mostly men wage money on which cricket will push past
the competitor's along a narrow passageway.
Reed has picked out his hopefully prize winning cricket.
One of the lanes of the flower market.

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