Thursday, January 20, 2011

Shanghai Snow

Our son, Reed, helping dad to shovel the walk. In the back
is our barn
which our family ( captained by our son-in-law James)
built in 2009.
Hey, wait a minute-- This isn't Shanghai. This is actually our house in Vermont, the day before I left to fly back to Shanghai. We had our second big storm of the year ( 19") and the skiing is great!. So is the shoveling and the roof raking.

Reed if front of the kitchen door and below the roof which
needed to be "raked".

Reed and Fred by the barn.
This how we take care of snow in Vermont!

Yes. Shanghai-- No, Snow. This is 4 days before the rest of these
pictures were taken and that elegant and warmly dressed young women is Jane.
We went on a 2 1/2 hour ride on Sunday morning and it was 23 degrees,
about as cold as it gets in Shanghai.

Outside our apartment.
I took these this morning, Thursday. Shanghai does get a little snow, but not often. This is our second winter here and this is the most we have witnessed. The newspaper this morning said this is the coldest January in 30 years!

Not as many people ride bikes as they did 5 and 10 years ago
but if that is your mode of transport, you got to do it.

Life in the fast lane...

There will be no lunch on the terrace today.

Tracks to....

You just don't see this in Vermont.

It's safe to rob banks today. The police don't want to deal.

And then there is special treatment. Orange carpet?
Also, notice who is carrying the pocketbook. It is common
for the man ( most often boyfriend) to carry the women's
purse when about town. It seems to say " we are a couple".

Life goes on.

Like I said...they don't get snow in Shanghai often.

Still lookin' stylish.

Kids, kids--time for fun and snowballs.

They got him back!

Like I said...

But, they are efficient.

No school today!! Uniforms for all kids--even coats.

This would normally be packed with people-- about 10am.

Not appropriately dressed.

Still have to go to work. next few pictures are on Huaihai lu.

Do you believe this? Just before 10am, new Apple store opened
about 2 months and they are still lining up outside! On this day!

Waiting for customers.

The shovel ( broom) crew going to their next assignment.

View out our apartment.

The courtyard.

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