Monday, May 10, 2010

More photos of our First Neighborhood

This was directly across from the entrance to our house. 54 Chongqing became a museum in honor of Zou Taofen who lived there in the 1920's  30's and 40's.. He was an important writer, critic and and journalist. He was editor of the best selling weekly magazine back then and used his pen to try and save China from the invasion of the Japanese.

And, of course, our local Starbucks ( Xingbake). There are 121 Starbucks in Shanghai and over 600 in China. So even though the language is difficult and we are far from friends and family, there are still some of the comforts of home ( still not in Manchester, Vt, though-- I had to come to Shanghai to get my Starbucks!).

1 comment:

  1. Living in's hard for me to imagine life withOUT a Starbuck's on every other corner!
