Tuesday, October 26, 2010

You've come a long way.... China

 Today I read in the local newspaper that the government was going to raise auto fuel prices by 3%. In most countries, these prices would be set by market conditions, although those market conditions may be heavily influenced by government policies ( taxes, EPP standards, reserves,etc). The Chinese government still controls many policies which affect everyday life in China. But the grip is loosening all the time. Private enterprise is flourishing here, particularly in Shanghai, Beijing and other major cities. The government does control all aspects of the flow of commerce but the rapid development of the coastal cities has forced a reappraisal of the standards. However, a recent study by the Heritage Foundation put China at# 140 out of #183 for economic freedom. ( refer here http://www.heritage.org/index/Ranking.aspx )Ironically,this study does have Hong Kong as the #1 country for business freedom so now that China has taken it back it may learn a few things. I believe China will rise in this category over the next few years.  We travel around anywhere in China without a problem and with the same level of security checks we find in the US. We have access to 98 % of the internet but blog sites, Facebook and Youtube and many videos are censored.

Fuxing Park--one of our favorites and just a 5 minute walk
from our apartment.

The park is the center for community singing ( here someone
has set up a speaker and microphone and anyone can step up
and sing). They did not like my version of  " I want to hold your
hand". No Beatles in China.Popular during the Cultural
What year was Fuxing Park established? Boy, would I love to
take one of these manhole covers home with me. Maybe.

Card players and dancers enjoying the day. Early mornings here are many
Tai-Chi  and general exercise groups out on the esplanade.

Fuxing Park has a heavy French influence. It is located on the edge
of The ( Former ) French Concession and sections of the park were given
to french architects in the early 20th century to incorporate their designs.

Marx and Lenin statue in the park. They highly influenced
Chinese thought before the establishment of the Chinese
Communist Party ( CCP ) in 1921.

Cleaning carts used by the municipal street cleaners.
Mostly men get together to tell stories. generally there is one speaker
and he tells about where he came from and his experiences in life. And
maybe about last night, too!

Random picture. Our son-in-law and Clementine going down
the water/aquarium encased escalator at the Shanghai/Pudong

Another great topiary.

During the late fall and into winter the meat and fish are dried for
consumption during Chinese New Years ( late Jan. early Feb.) We
live one street from here.
Street scene-Shanghai.

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