Sunday, November 14, 2010

Shanghai Street Scenes

On a recent Saturday morning, I decided to take my camera and stroll around some of the neighborhoods near us. The area I have highlighted in this posting is the Dong Tai Lu ( lu meaning street) area comprised of the before mentioned street as well as other smaller ones . It is called the "Antique Market" although some of the antiques are still warm. Occasionally you find something of value and something you really, really needed but the objective of a morning here is to have fun and soak up some local culture. If a vendor asks 300 RMB for an item you should get it for 40 or 50 or you walk away. There is another one right down the Lu!
Market near Dong Tai Lu
Washing facilities still used in some old lane houses. Many
families might use this facility to wash hands, clothes. Outside
 sinks were used for washing food for dinner.

Aunt Tilly never thought she would be so famous!

Are we disturbing you?
One of the lanes of Dong Tai Lu.

Anything Chinese for you?

Great juxtaposition. Would Mao ever had thought. After I
downloaded this picture, I noticed what was under the Playboy
cards. Hey, at least we are still on top.

One of the many vendors.

Does anyone play the Guqin, Se or the Erhu?

Any thing Mao sells or family paintings.

I think he has had his picture taken before.

Many of the vendors live above their stores.

I came upon this man giving his bird a shower. 

Turns out he has other birds and does pottery.

Slim pickins.

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