Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Catching Up-Travel-- Guilin and Yangshuo

Guilin is located in Guangxi region in southeast China. Jane and I and our fellow ex-pat friends Marc and Jeanne traveled to this area in May, 2010. It is located on the west bank of the Li river and it's name means " forest of sweet Osmanthus" due to the large number of fragrant Sweet Osmanthus trees in the city.This area has some very unique scenery as I will photo document. In addition to Guilin we also visited Yangshuo county in Guilin which is famous for the karst peaks along the Li River. Karst is a landscape formed by the dissolution of layers of soluble bedrock such as limestone. Karst topography is common throughout the world but usually in the form of sinkholes. This region of China has unique hills with this topography. Enjoy the pictures and I will be back soon with more.

Hill with karst landscape.

Rice paddies.

Working the fields

You get to work anyway you can.

Machinery helps. preparing the soil for planting.

But then you have to maintain it.
Old reliable is still at it. It's the fellow who is
stopping for a smoke.

Showing our friends how to properly pick-up your date.
Her father was very impressed.

I sat in the road to get this picture and they gently walked
around  me.

Arriving at the rice terraces. These were lodging options but
we did not stay here.

At the top.
The "Pros" had more elaborate vehicles. This women was
being carried to the top of the hill. We walked.

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